Semen Analysis – What is It and Why is It Done

Semen Analysis - What is It and Why is It Done
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Semen analysis is a fundamental method in fertility assessment that provides essential information about the health of sperm in male reproduction. Semen analysis helps in identifying infertility problems and directing the most suitable course of treatment, as acknowledged by Vansh IVF. In this blog, we will look in depth at semen analysis, its significance, method, and interpretation.

What is Semen Analysis?

What is Semen Analysis?

Semen analysis, also called sperm count or male fertility test, is the diagnostic procedure to measure the quantity and quality of semen and sperm.

Semen is the thick white fluid that emerges from the penis during sexual activity, and we usually call emission as ejaculation. On the other hand, sperm is the cell of the male reproductive system that contains the genetic material required to create a child. Therefore, these sperms are present in semen.

Why Semen Analysis is Done?

1. Experiencing Difficulty in Conceiving

Fertility doctors suggest semen analysis when you and your partner are trying to get pregnant for at least 12 months and have no success. So, in this case, both partners may need to undergo fertility testing.

2. Post-Vasectomy Evaluation

Vasectomy is a birth control procedure that involves surgery on the male reproductive part. It is performed to stop the sperm from entering your semen and is done by removing the tubes that carry sperm from your testicles. Therefore, a semen analysis is done in 8 to 16 weeks to ensure that your semen is free from sperm.

3. Male Infertility Diagnosis

Semen analysis is also performed as part of the fertility diagnosis to check the sperm count, motility, and morphology. There are 40 – 50% cases of infertility in males. Therefore, early diagnosis of the infertility problem provides a chance for more focused treatments and interventions.

4. Men with known Risk Factors

Semen analysis is also performed for those men who have diabetes or autoimmune disorders, testicular injury or surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other known risk factors for infertility.

Procedure for Semen Analysis

Procedure for Semen Analysis

The following steps are involved in semen analysis:

1. Collection of Sample

The semen sample is usually collected at the doctor’s office by masturbating. Patients are given access to the private room and proper instructions are given on how to collect a sample into a clean, sterile container provided by the doctor.

If you want to collect the sample at home, then the doctor provides a special condom that collects the semen during the time of intercourse.

*Important Point*

  • Lubricants can alter how easily your sperm can move, so avoid using them while collecting your sample.
  • It is important to refrain from ejaculating for a period of two to five days before the test, to guarantee an appropriate evaluation of sperm parameters.
  • It is advised not to consume alcohol or any herbal supplement for a period of two to five days before the test, as it may affect the test.

2. Transportation to the Laboratory 

If the semen is collected at home, it should be transported to the laboratory within 30 to 60 minutes of collection to maintain its quality and effectiveness. Also, the sample should be kept at as close to 37°C (body temperature).

Analysis – Using specialized equipment, skilled specialists analyze several parameters of the semen sample in the lab. Sperm motility, which measures the proportion of actively moving sperm, sperm count, which measures the number of sperm per millilitre of semen, sperm morphology, which measures the shape and structure of sperm, semen volume, pH level, and the presence of any abnormalities or infections are all included in this assessment.

3. Results

The results of semen analysis should be available within two hours. The findings of the semen analysis are interpreted using predetermined reference ranges for each parameter. The doctor will discuss the results with the patient and suggest actions based on the data.

Semen Analysis Results Linked to Lower Pregnancy Rates

Semen Analysis Results Linked to Lower Pregnancy Rates

According to the research, males who have the following semen analysis results had a lower chance of getting pregnant:

  1. Semen Volume: Semen volume refers to the quantity of semen in your sample. If the quantity is 1.5 milliliters or less, then it can be the cause of infertility.
  2. Total Sperm Count: It is the number of sperm present in your entire sample. If your sample has 39 million sperm per sample or less then it might be difficult for you and your partner to get pregnant.
  3. Sperm Concentration: It measures the number of sperm present in your semen. 15 million sperm per mL or less is considered a problem.
  4. Sperm Motility: It determines whether or not sperm can reach the egg and fertilize it. If the sample contains 40% or less, then the chances of conceiving are lower.
  5. Sperm Morphology: Sperm morphology means the number of sperm that have a normal shape and size. 4% or less of sperm has normal size and shape
  6. Semen pH: It shows the acidity of your semen. 7.2 or lower pH can affect your sperm and their ability to move.
  7. Leukocytes (WBC): More than 1 million

*Note* – Remember that a semen analysis cannot conclusively determine fertility or infertility. Individuals with test results that fall outside of the defined ranges might be fertile, and those with findings that look normal on the surface might not be. Furthermore, reference limits for sperm analysis can differ depending on the laboratory and the region.


To sum up, semen analysis helps in determining whether the sperm or semen issues are the reason for infertility. A low sperm count or improperly moving sperm are two issues that can lead to infertility. If you and your partner are having difficulty in conceiving then you should consult a fertility doctor. Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts in Lucknow at Vansh IVF & Hospital at 7408415995!


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